The Undead News Thread (20090715.02)

Last of the Living

"A highly contagious virus is spreading throughout the land. With one bite, it’s only hours before victims will turn into zombies and hunt for human flesh. Morgan, Ash, and Johnny might just be the only humans left, but they don’t seem to mind and find enjoyment lounging around in their underwear living in vacant homes."

Last of the Living is a low budget, New Zealand zombie comedy written and directed by first-timer Logan McMillan. First impressions are that the movie looks fantastically hilarious. And, damn, do I need that zombie-rigged '69 Ford Cortina. According to Gorilla Pictures on IMDb: "Got pulled over by the police driving it around and shooting scenes in downtown Christchurch on Xmas morning 2007 at 6am. But luckily they let us off with a warning - said if they caught us again they would throw the book at us." The movie has a Myspace page and Facebook page, and you can find the official site for Gorilla Pictures here. The movie is currently out in Germany and the UK, but no news on a Region 1 release as of yet. On a side note, though the title fits perfectly, how cool would the tagline be as a title instead: "Those Damned Dead Just Won't Die"? Eh, maybe not.

Source: Palace of Horror

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